FBB selects Japanese Red Cross as donation recipient


In the five days since Japan was devastated by an 8.9 earthquake and massive tsunami, it has become clear that most international relief organizations would be only marginally involved in the response. Through long, painful experience, Japan has become the best-prepared nation on Earth for natural disasters.

Even so, the sheer scale of the task at hand will require an immense amount of effort and financial resources. As donations poured in from our generous members and supporters, we monitored the situation to determine how best to direct the funds. Today it became clear that our support would do the most good not in international hands, but by direct contribution to the domestic Japanese agency at the center of this massive effort.

Foundation Beyond Belief will forward 100 percent of collected funds to the Japanese Red Cross.

The Japanese Red Cross operates 92 hospitals nationwide and forms the backbone of domestic disaster response in Japan. By donating directly to JRCS, we can be confident that our funds are going where they are needed for the long recovery ahead.

As of Tuesday afternoon, our members and supporters have donated over $8,000 to the relief fund. [UPDATE: As of Wednesday afternoon, total donations exceed $12,000.]

To make a donation to the Japanese Red Cross through Foundation Beyond Belief, click on the orange ChipIn button in the sidebar, or go directly to the ChipIn page. As always, your full donation will go to the beneficiary.

Deepest thanks for your compassionate support for the people of Japan.

Dale McGowan

Executive Director